Noah Lopez receives Dye Family College Award


Noah Lopez receives First Tee-South Central Wisconsin’s Dye Family College Award

The First Tee of South Central Wisconsin is proud to announce that Noah Lopez, a 2022 East High School graduate, has been selected to receive the $1000 Dye Family College Award. To be eligible for the award, an applicant must have achieved Birdie or higher level in First Tee programs, been accepted into a 4- year or 2-year college for the first time, and have a history of community service or “giving back.”

Noah Lopez -Spring First Tee SCW Programming February 2022

Noah has been with our chapter since its inception in 2011. He was about 3’2” tall when he first enrolled, and remained fixed firmly behind his father’s pant leg on his first day in summer programs until our own “Coach Awesome,” Brad Munn, coaxed him out. From there, Noah never looked back. Reminiscing, Noah said, “. . .First Tee taught me how to have social skills and become confident in myself. While this was taught using the game of golf, it was also heavily encouraged to be used in school and everywhere else.” Noah also credits First Tee with teaching him the value of perseverance, the ability to attend a Life Skills and Leadership Academy in Boise, Idaho, obtain his job as a caddy at Maple Bluff Country Club, and become the only youth representative on the City of Madison’s Task Force on Municipal Golf.

Noah’s record of community volunteerism is also impressive. He has served as a member of the chapter’s Youth Advisory Council, a mentor for younger participants in the chapter’s programs, a youth welcome liaison at First Tee fundraising events, and an assistant coach during summer programs. He explained why he chooses to give back.

Drew Munn 2012
Noah Lopez (2022 Dye Family Scholarship Recipient), Drew Munn (2021 Dye Family Scholarship Recipient), Alex “Bubba” Munn, and Michael Thao – August 13, 2012

“I strongly believe that we are not able to get to our own success alone. Instead, we require the help of others to guide us to different resources and connections. Serving your community allows you to help others get to where they need to be and grow to become a better person. . .I am forever grateful for all the opportunities I have gained from volunteering, but I am also very proud of all the lives I have been able to impact as a volunteer and mentor.”

Noah will be attending Columbia College in Chicago, Illinois this fall. We thank him for all he has contributed to the chapter, wish him a stimulating and satisfying journey through college and look forward to his continuing involvement in the chapter’s mission for years to come.